Eggman Virus Infection Report Genesis #015 This was relatively easy. Ex-PFP is an omelette rice ball Eggman's is more like a triangle shaped rice ball 🍙
Gm beautiful people Happy shiny Saturday 🤍 It’s finally weekend, let’s make the most of it 😍
Lost in green 🟢 A gateway to another dimension🌌🌀
🦞Squat Lobster🦞 C: Marine Animal E: Water S: Alive N: Duality P: When the squat lobster / She feels his heart beating fast / It is because she thinks a monster / Can take her to the past Available fr/Wunderkammer
Good morning world! I will grow green! with deep roots in the earth, reaching for the sky. ✨
I went to the Machine Love: Video Games, AI and Contemporary Art exhibition: 🖥️👤. Many of the works made me feel the philosophical question of whether robots, androids, cyborgs, etc. could be subjects with emotions and consciousness in the future with the development of AI.
hella stoked about this @omgidrawedit! thanks so much for the brilliant beautiful work! ❤️🔥 ❤️🔥 ❤️🔥
A young woman set off on a journey, wearing a hat adorned with hand-knitted flowers. Everywhere she went, people couldn’t help but be drawn to her vibrant presence. But she wasn’t just seeking attention—she wanted to share warmth and joy through colors. And slowly, as her smile spread, the gray city began to glow a little brighter.
enjoyed this read on Dazed (especially reading it while in my saturday morning bath 🛀) — ✍️ Thom Waite It explores the growing tensions between artists, tech, and institutions while pointing to alternative models and the shifting battle for artistic autonomy—new tools, same resistance. Feels super relevant these days. Highly recommend! 🔗 👾 Joshua Citarella, Yancey Strickler, @ivonatau, Metalabel, Holly Herndon and more
On, published artwork does not automatically become an NFT. Only pieces that are minted are officially created as NFTs. Many have been created, 9 have been minted so far ...