Here we go - your morning @ismene fix. Love my lil routine. Gm to you all on this sunny London morning.
Bring this to your collection for 1 Tezzie
ANGEL EXAMINADOR 1/1 only 10 tez
Nirvana’s Light awaits offer 💎
There is something really soothing about @juanitobjkt s work. Maybe it’s my 80s youth. Idk. But I love it.
Today is St PAtrick day and this is my version ☘️ Link to auction
My Top 9 on @rodeodotclub featuring @push69, @littlebirth, @nikalaus, @dennis-chilas, @erikx, @srimoam, @gaspardguerre, @kitasavi, and others
'Set Yourself Free' 7 editions left running for 4 days
10x collect on Rodeo: spend 0.001 ETH, artist gets 0.0005 ETH this makes sense to me — it's tip-to-mint, basically. micropatronage, feels good as a collector spend 0.001 ETH on Zora coin, artist gets ??? in theory, 1% of trading fees, I believe? if we use this post as an example and the basis for some napkin math: creator earnings are $575, total volume is $220,143, so creator cut was 0.26% of total volume could we maybe infer that if you spend 0.001 ETH on a Zora coin, the creator gets 0.0000026 ETH? I am not sure about this is a sound assumption, tbh (leaving aside the artist's allocation of the coin, which in the default case is not worth much anyway) obviously with the coin structure you can buy into the potential upside of the content. but in the vast majority of cases, there is no meaningful upside, because the vast majority of art is not suited to being viral content
GN with great news 🖤 An edition of "She's an Empty Shell" sold to @the_aeye on x Thank you so much! Only 1 edition left now, who will grab it? 5 $xtz
Some abstract pieces, skiing cats, and a mysterious woman veiled by clouds for my Top 9 on @rodeodotclub Featuring @stc, @tocame, @joncates, @julienrivoire, @nevolo, @furuimirai, @plasm0, and others
It has been a long time since I dropped a 1/1 so I thought it was time to take this idea for a collection out of the drawer and create it. It hides a message that will probably be more decipherable once the 3 pieces are out 😁