OA24 CoCreated - Submission

About OA24 CoCreated

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We are creating an Open Art community artwork - OA24 CoCreated. All artists who care about open art in Folkestone are invited to put an image in a collective version of the OA24 logo. And raise funds for the festival. The way it works is that the art will be a collection of 50+ pieces all made from a random selection of 4 submitted artworks. The key thing is that the audience become curators; they decide what combinations go in the final collection when they decide to buy a piece. All contributing artists get a free digital edition, and when they collect their edition their combination will be entered into the collection. 50% of all digital sales (mints) will go to the OA24 festival, the rest will go to the artist who conceived and created the work Chris Gage, aka ChrisCoCreated, a Folkestone based digital community artist(more about Chris here). The project is open to all artists with a connection to Folkestone.

Important Concepts

1.Minting: Minting is the process of putting the created artwork 'onchain' (onto a blockchain). This happens when someone buys a digtal edition of the work. The process creates a permanent record of the work that will last as long as the blockchain lasts (likely hundreds of years). When someone 'mints' a piece of work they are adding it to the permant collection for this project.

2. CC0: Each collective artwork we make is placed into the public domain with a Creative Commons 0 licence, which means No Rights Reserved. Learn more about CC0 at Creative Commons. This means that anyone can do what they want with it, including you. We encourage people to take the image and put it on bags and t-shirts and prints in whatever way they want. ChrisCoCreated is going to be doing this with Gallery Boards of the images that are minted. Note: This only applies to the new creations of the Logo that have been minted, your orignal artwork is still entirely protected by its existing licence.

This means that when you mint an artwork you are both making a permanent record of the artwork in the collection, giving a gift to our shared creative commons, and both helping support a local artist and funding the festival. Plus we get to make something unique and beutiful as we do it.


Please submit one image for inclusion[roughly 1:1 ~square ratio, 4MB max]. Guidance: Submit whatever reflects your art, just check it looks good in the template below (you'll be able to preview once you upload). Diversity is great, so go with your gut, part of what's going to be fun about this is the serendipity of unexpected elements.

AGREEMENT 1. Ownership of Original Images: You confirm you have the rights to submit these Images to the project. Your submitted Images will remain your property. You retain all rights to your original art. 2. Licence for New Creations: Artworks created and minted through this project are issued under a CC0 licence. This licence applies exclusively to the new pieces created and minted onchain as a part of this project. 3. Licence for Un-minted Creations: No licence is granted for the use of images created during this process that are not minted. These images cannot be used without explicit permission from all parties, including you, ChrisCoCreated and the other artist(s). 4. Inclusion: By submitting Images to this project, you agree to be included in the collection. It does not guarentee the inclusion of your Images in the collection. The final decision of inclusion will be made by ChrisCoCreated. 5. Revenue: Revenues generated from minting the collaborative pieces will be distributed as follows: half of the mint fees will be donated to the OA24 festival, and half will go to ChrisCoCreated. 6. Use of your name: Your name/username will be used to credit you for the Images you submit to this project, and will be used when promoting the project. 7. Free Mint: There will be a free mint for all artists involved in this project, which includes you. 8. Agreement: By submitting your Images to this project, you agree to these terms.

Any questions email Contact Chris